Thursday, June 3, 2010

I Havent Posted In a While

Hullo there Bloggers. I am tired. So what is going on in my life:

The Ithaca Festival!! I am So ExCiTeD. My favorite guys are the ballerina men on the cars with tu-tus! its weird but hilarious. I should be one and I would be an awesome beast.
So MY BIRTHDAY IS ON SATURDAY! i am very proud of this. My Bat Mitzvah is the next week, so I am kinda scared.......
Shannon and Tally r having thr B-days I love u guys!!!! And Melany and I have the same Bitrthdays. WOOTT.
hehehehehheheehehehehehehehehehehehehehhehhhheeeehehheheeheheheeheheheheehehhehhehhehehehehehehehhehheeheeh. kay byee. Python: 250 CaNt Be TaMeD lol

Sunday, May 23, 2010

FuN fUn FuN fUn

This past weekend I went to my friend aly's, from the Best Camp On Earth. She lives in Redhook Ny. Did u know it was named that cuz ther is this island in the river that looks like a hook and in the fall all the trees on it get bright red. Legit right? So I saw other of my lovers from camp there too. Including Noa, Sara, and Caitlin. And I met me new budz, Meg, Soph, and Lauren. And it was so fun and I am soooo proud Aly!! she did greatt. And the party is fun. And now I love That 70s Show and Ashton Kutcher is one cookie baker (lol long story).
So yeahh. Drama that has to do with me, is finally over. I can't believe it. I am ecstatic. I won't do anything wrong ever again. I am just so relieved. most of us r friends now, some r just messed up. But I will get through it! =]. Now only if I could get a boyfriend.... =P Python:244 girl put your records on

Word of the Day: Monk

Friday, May 14, 2010

Yesturday's Trackk Meet

Yesturday I had a track meet and i did awesome, if I do say so myself. My budz wer thr and it was cool!!Today was the last day of track tho =[ I am gunna miss my new budz. ohh well. Still got the great invention of texting!!AHHH. Nice n sunny today! gunna go to services tonight. YUPP. tomorrow i have absolutely nothing to do. Might hang with ppl, go to a parkk it is supposed to be real nice outside. I KNOW. Farmer's Market. Or Commons *pats her self on the back* k so i gtg revoir! Python:280 FuNkY mOnKeY NiNjA

Word of the day: Aveoli

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Pretty Post

This post is gunna be so randomm cuz I have nothing to do. WHATS UP PEOPLE HEHE I LOVE THIS COLOR. It Is PuRtY. I got sum song by Lady Gaga stuck in my head. WOOT. ok i dont know what else to say. byeas Python:260 FuNkY fReSh

Word of the day: Moderation

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Hehe Cute kitteh


No one is feeding my fishies. FEEEDD THEMMMMM N-O-W.


Heheheheehe... ;) ok so there is somebody in my grade lets call him/her.... X-MAN/WOMAN. Ok so X-man/woman is really rude to me in particular. I have a plan to make X-man/woman stop!! AND IT WILL WORK. I SWARE. Cause I am a very smart person. And I am so much awesomer than this person. So yeah. Ask anyone they will agree, even thought they might not know who this person is *edgy look*. yeah. So tomorrow is my track meet, and it is supposed to rain. yay.... Also i am going to take notes about Shakespeare. Did you know in his time people who were naughty got put in big boxes with their heads and feet sticking out??Yahh. So yeahhhhh........BLECH. AMERICAN IDOL IS ON. yes I watch tht show, and im pretty pumped.
K so its almost on toodles/ta ta for now Python:250 FuNkY fReSh

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Fishies Update


No schooooolllll

HOORAY.No school. Now that I am all excited, what am I going to do? Al I have done is been woken to the sound of my Dad calling my Mom on the telephone and discussing a comic strip which talks about free deodorant samples in a library. And been on the computer. I will not discuss the events of yesterday because they are just too depressing. At least I did well in the track meet! So yeah. All I know is I am going to Aurora to shop with my Mummy, then skate. But from now to 3 I have nothing to do but homework. Woo hoo. i did my math and I must say I did a good job on the bee :] buzzzz buzzy. YUP. Kay so toodles. Python:250 50 DAYS TILL CAMP


Sunday, May 9, 2010

Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious and Mother's Day.

Yes, I spelled that right :]. K so I was bored and thinking about Mary Poppins (idk y) and I searched on google what I thought was the right spelling and it was SO I AM SO PUMPED. Speaking of that guess what a very close family friend named herself docious because she loved that song so much.
Mother's Day is today!! Im excited cause I got my Mom an awesome present. PLUS it is the LAST DAY OF HEBREW SCHOOL. So after hebrew school we are going to go to brunch. yummers. Then skating :]. btw. I GOT MY DOUBLE FLIP ALMOST. They do it in the Olympics. Yes I am bragging.
Alsoo, next week is the last week of track unless I make it to Stacks!! We have a meet on Monday and Thursday and you guys should (have to *ahem*) come cause a lot of other friends from DeWitt are participating!!
NYSSMA. I messed up. On the sightreading. And the piece (not too much). And one scale. But the guy said I did good so I am happy. But I still dont know what I got.
Oh yeah, the ITHACA SWIM CLUB is opening soon. It is teh best place ever, legit (here we go again). iM sO eXcItEd!!!!!
Geez Louis lots of stuff to report on. Kay so I gtg. PEACE. Python: 160 Aly's Bat Mitzvah SOON.

Saturday, May 8, 2010


HEY PEOPLE. I saw Iron Man with Viv and Lindsey today. Brie ditched us or something cause she never showed up. ANYWAY. The movie was soo fun. And really good and action packed and stuff. But it was scary. Luckily I could sit in the middle! That way I could easily squeeze on to Viv or Lindsey. BUT they got kinda frustrated with tht :]. So yeah. And also I am really jealous of Shannon and Tally because they saw Drake, MY FAVORITE RAPPER (at Slope Day). dammit. I love them anyways. KAY. so bye!!!!!! Python:145

Monday, May 3, 2010

I Like Your Beard

WeIrD title right? Lol. So I was listening to the new Ke$ha song, I love most of Ke$ha's songs, so this whole song was cool (Your Love is My Drug) until the end. She goes "I like your beard" say WHAT? And after that I thought that all the verses that go " What you got boy,is hard to find, I think about it, all the time" meant she cant find any guy with a frickin beard and she finally found one and she always thinks about it????!!!!


SO yeah. Change of subject. I was watching Baby Mama for about.... the 4th time, and I saw my favorite part. It goes:

Baby Teacher Lady(BTL): Would wou like to welp wour bwaby with real helping well bread grwoth? *Everyone in class raises hand* Or would wou wlike to hurt wyour bwaby with pesticides and chemicals?

Angie: WHOOP! (Bounces on big blue ball)

Baby Techer Lady(BTL):WTF!?


Python: 600!!!!

Sunday, May 2, 2010


Kayy here's some stuff about me.

1.I have skated since I was 4
2. My best Mario Kart game is Rainbow Road
3. I love noodle koogle
4.My favorite stores are American Eagle and Hollister
5.I love my friends cause they are nice and fun and awesome =]
6.Glee is my favorite new show
7.I can't stop saying legit because these girls I skate with say it all the time. Cause they are in IHS
8.I like dolphins

Kay so thats my tag thingy. I tag people!

So today was funn. Hebrew school, with this camp thingy and stuff. Also I worked on THE MAN (coool dance move). Oh yeah, our Hebrew school had a bake sale. Caitlin and I are really good at drawing food. At least I am. And the two-step. Ok, gtg you totally legit people!!!! Python:400. SoY sAuCe

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Focus Day and NYSSMA Prep

YEAHH. Focus day was pretty damn sweet. I was so beast at making my terrarium. However, 5 earthquakes occured. :[ The terrarium is currently being fixed! Donations are excepted. So yeah. I also made friendship bracelets,did field day, and did t-shirt surgery, which didnt work. Today I woke up and had a band lesson! Prep for NYSSMA!WOOT. I am playing Mozart. Oh yeah, just recently found out I suck at sight reading. hooray. Python: 268 ALYS BAT MITZVAH!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

My Beautiful Blog

As you can see, I made me blog look different. SOOOOOO, due to the previous post, now all of those black fishies, are yellow fishies(some kind of transformation). TRACK MEET WUZ BEAST. Chilled with Cali, Emma, and Christina, in well a very big pile, and now me back hurts. Damn. oh yeah i got really good at this game where you have to guard yourself then shoot or whatever? IM PRETTY BEAST. yeah. SO BYE. SoY sAuCe Python:128

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


I know I just wrote a post, buuut I forgot something. DONT FORGET TO FEED THE FISHIES. btw, the black one is Bob, the other black one is Sue, the other black on is Siobhan(coolest name ever) the other black one is Jose, the other black one is Georgia, the other black one is Fuzzy, the other black one is BIG L and the final black one is........JAVIER!!woot. Oh yeah, gunna start posting my snake scores. getting prettty beast. If you want to tell me, post em in the comments section!!! Python: 38 yay. SoY sAuCe!

The Ordinary

Oh hullo there bloggie buddies. I took the ELA book three test today! Which probably most of you did too. So I was reading the article about the bikes and stuff, and omg i want an Ordinary. It looks so cool. Its like one frickin HUGE wheel with a lil one. I am in love at first sight. yess. And I saw this other one I forgot what it is called, but my Dad said that it was the kind that he had once where he tried to play the violin while biking when he was younger. Unfortunately, he ended up bonking into a tree, and his Mom had to superglue his violin back together. *sigh*. So yeah. And my essay was pretty sweet, if I do say so myself. K as Randy Jackson says, I LOVE YOU DAWG! K peace.

Sunday, April 25, 2010


Hey! I had so muchh fun last night. Dam, I am pooped. But idc cuz it was AWESOME.YESSSS. Caitlin did sooo well. Hahaaa. I had a yummy mini hamburger too. It looked like one of those Krusty Crab burgers. Wow I am so dumb I forgot what it is called. Lol. also I did the chicken dance. Me and Caitlin screamed "I DONT WANNA BE A CHICKEN I DONT WANNA BE A DUCK SO KISS MY BUTTT." haha. lol.


Wednesday, April 21, 2010

And I Think To Myself..

ACCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKKKHGHGHHHHHHH. Sorry had to get that out. Life is hard. Guys, friends, home,life. But think about it this way, life is good. Thats what I am trying to think now. New motto!!WOOT. But anyways, when you think about it in perspective, so many people are in so much more hardship right now..its so sad. I give to charity and hopefully the world will be better!! Wow, I am sooo cheesy. But I am having a cheesy moment. Life gives you a kick in the ass sometimes. But I am grateful for it, cause it has made me stronger, and braver. And overall, I love life. And to continue the title.....What a wonderful worldd

Sunday, April 18, 2010


HI!! So today I went to Hebrew school. We had a Yom Hazikaron celebration. IT WAS REALLY SAD:[. yeahh. So later I went to Kadima. Caitlin and I competed in a cake decorating contest. I totally won. LOL. So yeah. later today i shalll skate. and then me parents are going to a Flaming Lips concert. Sooooo I am sleeping over at my brothers friends housee. yippee.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

First Post EVERR!!

HI. This is my first post. So yeah. I made this cause I felt like it. Ummmm. Tomorrow is Yom Hatzmout(spelled wrong)!! YAY. Its a Jewish Holiday. So I already posted this on Gmail but today I was at the mall with my buddy Leslie n we were in American Eagle and my favorite song Horchata came on n I started singing loudly and the ppl working were lik looking at me like i wuz rly some freaky kid. WHICH I AM. Haha. And there was a dog show. And a big dog who looked like a horse won the cutest dog. It was verryy cute. so yeah. I also fell in love with this really cute greyhound. Cuter then Justin Bieber. Seriously. So yeah. And i got this ice cream thing at Gertrude Hawk. yum.PEACEE!