Saturday, April 17, 2010

First Post EVERR!!

HI. This is my first post. So yeah. I made this cause I felt like it. Ummmm. Tomorrow is Yom Hatzmout(spelled wrong)!! YAY. Its a Jewish Holiday. So I already posted this on Gmail but today I was at the mall with my buddy Leslie n we were in American Eagle and my favorite song Horchata came on n I started singing loudly and the ppl working were lik looking at me like i wuz rly some freaky kid. WHICH I AM. Haha. And there was a dog show. And a big dog who looked like a horse won the cutest dog. It was verryy cute. so yeah. I also fell in love with this really cute greyhound. Cuter then Justin Bieber. Seriously. So yeah. And i got this ice cream thing at Gertrude Hawk. yum.PEACEE!